Perspective Experimental


World War I is one of the most interesting and complex wars in history. What should have been a small regional conflict beetween Serbia and Austria-Hungary esculated into the bloodiest battle the world has ever seen. An estimate of ten million soldiers died due to this war. It all started when a terrorist organization called the "Black Hand" assassinated the archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand. Austria-Hungray gave Serbia an ultimatum which was unreasonable, and Serbia simply could not accept. Due to a system of secret alliances all of Europe was dragged into this war, eventually the United States enters the war as well.

An Unacceptable Ultimatum

Austria-Hungary was looking to exert its power and authority over the newly formed, slavic country Serbia. The Serbian government was accused of knowing of the planned terrorist attack and not taking any action to prevent the assassination from occurring. Austria-Hungray in an outrage decided to give Serbia an ultimatum. The ultimatum was lengthly and consisted of about ten key point which could be summed up as Austria-Hungary occupying Serbian land and taking authority. The Serbian government simply could not accept this policy. If they accepted the policy they would look weak in a relentless world. The Austrians figured that the Serbians would have to accept these terms because they already had full support of the strongest and most feared army in the world, the German army. Serbia received "back-up" by France, Russia, and Great Britain. 

The Alliances

The reason for all of these alliances was to ensure that one country would not become too powerful. Germany looked to back-up Austria-Hungray so that it would gain more power. Germany was already the most feared and strongest country in Europe, so the acquiring of more power was unacceptable to other European powers. The French and the British combined were an extraordinary force, but in reality they were no match for the Germans. With the Russian involvement in the war, Germany had to focus on two frontiers, which led to the development of the Schlieffen plan. Once the U.S. entered the war, and the Russians exited, the Germans were quickly defeated.

The Treaty of Versailles

The treaty of Versailles had two perspectives bases, one from the U.S. and one from Europe. France, Great Britain, Italy, and the United States were the only powers present in the making of this treaty. The European power wanted to "bury" the Germans. They wanted to make sure Germany would never rise to as much power again and they wanted the Germans to pay for the damage caused by the war. The United States looked for a peace without gains. They wanted to end the fighting and restore Europe to the way it had originally been. Being outnumbered three to one the European views won. The major components of the treaty that led to WWII were the reparations needing to be paid, the limiting of the size of the army, and having to accept that they were responsible for the war. 


World War II, one of the most significant wars in history was the cause of one mans aggression towards other countries. Hitler, and other Fascists alike, sought to eliminate all other forms of government. The resentment of foreign nations to intervene with this superpower of a nation lead to the growing strength of Germany and the Nazi party. The Nazi's won their support off of the basis that times were going terribly. This radical form of government promised change, and when group of people are starving and hungary, the most radical change seems the most beneficial. The Nazi's are looks upon in history as a terrible party for the actions in which they followed. The mass slaughtering of Jews, Gypsies, and other minorities puts the Nazi party as one of the most hated forms of government. What makes the Nazi's so horrible is the revelation of the truth behind their actions. Had Hitler not been killed, the Nazi's could have covered up the horrors that they practiced, but since the Allied powers defeated the Axis, the truth was revealed about the Nazi party.


The Cold War, a race to power was mainly between Soviet Russia and the U.S. Western Europe, and soviet satellites were also a common factor in this war. The Cold War reached a series of levels based in different crisis that occurred. The Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban missile Crisis, the U-2 bomber, and even the launch of sputnik caused severe tension  between these two super powers. The soviets looked at the U.S. as the leader of Democracy. Democracy is the opposite of communism, so communists naturally hate the concepts of democracy. This hatred and fear of the foreign types of government lead to tensions being drawn about by these two super powers.


September 9, 2001: The first major terrorist attack against the U.S. occurred, causing massive destruction and taking numerous civilian lives. President George W. Bush decided the best course of action would be to set up an anti-terrorism force, deployed in the Middle East. This anti-terrorism force has occupied the Middle East for the past ten years and an exit strategy in the near future is not apparent.

The Effects Of Time

American citizens often are distracted by the media and are concerned with decisions that effect their immediate lives. The economy and many other things serve as distractions to affairs that are taking place outside the U.S. Studies have shown that the average American citizen is only interested in a major topic for about ninety days. For example, the recall on Toyota Camry's have slipped the minds of many, and people are starting to by Camry's that have previously been recalled. 

September 11, 2001

A tragic day in history, many great lives had been lost due to the terrorist attack led by Al Qaeda. American citizens throughout the nation were petrified and infuriated by this attack. Californians as well as New Yorkers grieved over the loss. President George W. Bush set forth a strategy to enter Afghanistan and execute Saddam Hussain and Osama Bin Laden. Almost all American citizens for this plan to enter this war and execute these major leaders of this terrorist organization

September 11, 2011

As time has passed since this tragic event, only a brief pause of recognition is given to those who served and died on this day. The memory of the attack is still fresh in the mind of New Yorkers, while almost all of the rest of the U.S. only remembers the event as  the first attack made on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor. The average citizen is not concerned with the war, and most don't think that we belong in Iraq or Afghanistan. As time has gone on, the perspective of citizens gradually changes, until their is a distinct difference between the past and the present.
Overtime, views of war and feelings change. The lives of American citizens, political leaders and military personnel are forever altered. The lives most changed by war are military personnel. Their views of the war changes as the war progresses. Often in the eyes of society war is glorified and looked upon with greatness. In reality war is horrible. Innocent people die fighting over a conflict between two countries. Militaristically, once reality sets in, the perspective of war changes for the worse. At first, a military organization was deployed in the Middle East to set up real-estate. By setting up real-estate the military was hoping to skew the views of the Middle Eastern people into liking Americans. They would realize the help we are giving and be exposed to American culture. Once this program was set up, a lot of military volunteers deployed in Iraq. Commander Steven Halpern said, "It's going to be great here, I think we can really make a difference". After only four months, he reported back saying "these people don't get it. They are so corrupt and we just need to find an exit strategy and fast." A lot of other military personnel, including Colonel Timothy R. Reese, and Defense secretary Robert Gates agree with these statements. Over time, the views of certain people and societies change drastically, especially when the lives of loved ones are on the line. 

Social Standpoints of Politicians

Politicians are a huge part of everyday society. Their are many different views about different types of politicians, but the job of a politician pretty much remains the same. Politicians usually act in manipulative ways to benefit an idea. The idea that they benefit reflects upon the country, and can either help or harm the country. Corruption and selfishness often lead to a failing government and country. Unscrupulous politicians lead to the demise of countries.


For the most part, all politicians believe an exit strategy is necessary. 

Certain politicians think that the best strategy is to continue on with fighting. They stress the idea of leaving a residual army behind to occupy Mesopotamia and other Middle Eastern territories. This force could maintain order, justice, and, for the most part, peace. The residual force would also serve as a buffer and distraction so the bulk of the army and troops deployed in the Middle East could exit. This strategy would allow for a quick and safe exit out of Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Similar ideas are felt throughout all politicians. 

Another exit strategy is being planned. This strategies bases its foundation off of the one previously stated above. The bulk of the army would exit the Middle East, while a larger residual force stays behind. This larger force would in turn work to restore power into the hands deemed fit by the U.S. government. The residual force would also work to train and equip Middle Eastern military personnel, and police.

Middle East

Interestingly enough, the ways in which the different countries throughout the Middle East act, are completely independent from one another.

The Middle East is made up of a compilation of many different countries. Within each country, the people feel differently about U.S. involvement. For the most part, the bulk of Middle Eastern countries don't want the U.S. on their soil (Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.). Other countries don't seem to mind the U.S. involvement e.g. Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia helped to dissolve political unrest Bahrain. The Saudi's deployed troops to stop a rebellion which helped out the U.S. By doing so, the U.S. did not have to deploy troops in that region and the rebellion was stopped with out having to get their "hands dirty".

How Government Works

For the most part, the Middle Eastern societies are run by coalitions or princes. The coalitions make group decisions, similar to a parliament. The problem with coalitions is corruption. The representatives in coalitions are all for the same things and look for ways to benefit themselves. They live luxurious lives, while their people starve and cry poverty. It only goes to show how history repeats itself, when this same situation happened in France in 1848

REA AP European History
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